Prior to picking up your kitten, it is always a good idea to have selected a reputable vet in your area. Cats age faster than humans, so their health status can change within a relatively short period of time. Early detection can lead to a cure/resolution of most diseases, so regular, preventative, lifelong care of your Ragdoll kitten is important. As you begin researching local vets, please carefully consider the following:
Ask for Personal Recommendations
One of the best ways to find the right veterinarian is to ask your family and friends for recommendations. The internet is another helpful avenue, as Google searches/reviews, Yelp, social media, and the Next Door app all provide valuable feedback on experiences with local vets in your area.
Find a Nearby Location
Should an urgent situation arise, you will want a short drive to the veterinarian's office. Begin researching local veterinarians to determine if there is a good match in the vicinity of where you live. In case an emergency arises outside vet hours, it is also a good idea to find a local, 24-hour animal hospital. It might also be a good idea to visit the medical facility ahead of time to ensure its cleanliness.
Choose a Licensed Veterinarian With Cat Expertise
Veterinarians specialize in working with different types of animals, and some of them may have more experience treating cats, dogs, or other animals. Since many vet offices have more than one veterinarian, you may want to ask for a veterinarian who has specific expertise in treating cats. You may also ask to see their licenses or contact the state board of veterinary medicine for more information. Veterinary technicians, who frequently work with pets to administer vaccinations and other basic services, should be licensed as well.
The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) is an organization dedicated to the special needs of cats and feline medicine. The AAFP has a program through which a veterinary practice may earn the designation "Cat Friendly Practice", which means that steps have been taken to create a soothing, low-stress environment for these animals. The Cat Friendly Practice program is relatively new, but you can learn more about it and search for vets with cat friendly practices in your area using this link.
Consider the Vet's Approach
A veterinarian is not just there to administer medication, but to provide care for the entire well-being of your cat. Vets tend to have different approaches when it comes to pets and medication, so having a brief discussion with a potential vet on cat wellness and disease prevention may be helpful when choosing a vet. Unfamiliarity around a vet is normal for most cats, but signs of anger, fear, or distress toward a vet may not be a good sign.
Discuss Vaccinations
At the time of pick up, your kitten will have received its first in a series of vaccinations for feline distemper. It is important to discuss other upcoming vaccinations and determine whether optional vaccinations (such as FeLV) are necessary.
Inquire About Pricing
Costs can also vary depending on the vet, so determine whether their prices fit into your budget before you commit to them.
If you find yourself uncertain about the vet you chose, it is okay to make a different decision. The veterinarian will play a significant role in your pet’s life, so continue researching until you find the right fit. If you decide to switch, simply ask your current vet for your cat's medical records so that the new vet has a full understanding of your cat's medical history.
Please note that True Blue Ragdolls reserves the right to revoke the sale of a kitten, at any time, for any reason, and will timely return the deposit to the purchaser, less any applicable fees incurred by True Blue from PayPal.
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